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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Utilities » DFCom (Command Sender for DF) 1.2 BETA (April 13)
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File Listing: DFCom (Command Sender for DF) 1.2 BETA (April 13)
Last Updated: Apr 13, 2008, 06:36:24 pm
First Created: Apr 11, 2008, 03:39:25 pm
File version: 1.2 BETA
For DF version: Multiple
Downloads: 149 (164) Size: 109.8 KB
Views: 2,353 (2,424) Type: ZIP
Rating (1 votes): 5.0 / 5.0
*This is a Obsidian program. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality. The program menaces with spikes of 1's and 0's. Below the program is an image of a programmer feverently typing.*

New version. BACK UP YOUR OLD INI!

DFCOm Does not alter memory, it just feeds it key presses.

Changes to 1.2: Image Viewer, the prefabs now have images or instructions, to view hightlight a command and hit the "Show Image" button. Hit the button again to hide the image window. Other changes just some minor code tweaks.

[Older Stuff] has a {REPEAT} tag and a {PAUSE} tag (examples in the ini file)
these tags work with the new textboxes.

Putting a {PAUSE} tag in a long string of commands will stop keyboard buffer overflow.

in the directional arrows, you'll notice a little "F" in the corner, click the "F" and it will change to a "C" for Course mode, every click of the arrow in course mode moves your "X" cursor in DF 10 spaces in the clicking direction. Click the "C" to change it back to "F" (Fine mode) which moves the "X" cursor 1 space at a time.

The timer will run at different speeds on different computers, so test it out and use values that work for your computer.

[Older Documentation]
DFC is a little something I cooked up today.

see the post here for the proper code tags:

DFC is a room creator, stone dumper, or whatever you need it to be. You code what you want into the ini file.

DFC Requires you have the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.x or above.

Put your commands into the df.ini file. Look at the df.ini to figure out what you need to do. but a short example. ";" is a comment, The Name of the command is in brackets [Command Name], followed by the commands, special keys (up arrow, right arrow ,ENTER SPACE, etc. must be enclosed in {}, letter and numbers can be put as is. (look at the file, you'll figure it out. I have a couple samples in the df.ini file for you to examine the structure.


;a 5x5 workshop with south center doorway. this line is a comment
[D-Workshop 5x5]
{DOWN 4}
{LEFT 2}

So, let's start Dwarf Fortress, when it's up and running start DFC. It should say it found the Dwarf Fortress window at the bottom if everything is running correctly.

Let's practice.
IN DF select d and d for mine (make sure you are in a minable area and not on the surface.
Highlight the 3x3 bedroom and click the "Do Command Button"
DF should now show you command being done.
(you can, after you create the room, select x from the d menu move the df "X" to the top left of the room and hit do command, the bedroom will now disappear)
Now try the 5x5 workshop!

You can use the 4 directional arrows buttons to move the df "X" cursor (when you are in the right df mode) and the 2 up and down arrows buttons to go up and down Z levels if you like. (this also assumes you haven't changed the default key settings)

PRO TIP: if you grab the bottom of the DFC window and pull it down, you'll see the commands DFC intends to send when you push the "Do Command" i like to keep it shrunk, but that view is good for debugging your commands if they dont seem right.

I'm willing to add your rooms,commands, etc... to the default package should anyone be will to send me one.

try to follow the convention in the df ini file.
let examine how i'd like it to be, lets use bedroom again.

[D-Bedroom 3x3]

the D means we must be in the designation menu before we click the command button. (if your building a room, you also want to make sure it's on "Mine"

other example
[K-Dumper 5x5]
You must be in the "k" look menu, when you hit "do command" it will set everything in a 5x5 area from the "X" cusor to be dumped.

If you download and test it and have any bugs or suggestions for future releases, let me know.

Here is a list of the special commands (those found in {}) you can (in therory) use. with DF Commander

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