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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » DF Synthetics (Chemistry Set) 0.31
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File Listing: DF Synthetics (Chemistry Set) 0.31
Last Updated: May 24, 2011, 01:30:15 am
First Created: May 13, 2011, 08:31:27 am
File version: 0.31
For DF version: 0.31.25
Downloads: 151 (170) Size: 7 KB
Views: 1,856 (1,980) Type: RAR
Home:  Forum Thread
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Synthetics industry v0.31, realistic (for DF) chemical precurors and plastics.

New Stuff


- Added "soil mod" as a separate mod, allows you to collect Loam (for building/bricks only) and Peat (for fuel), or define your own types of clay soils.
- Added milling of Rock Salt to salt powder (to be turned into Hydrochloric Acid by the Alchemist)
- Added a "salt bush" crop you can grow to allow salt powder without rock salt.

0.3 :

- Combined down a couple of linear chemistry steps to simplify things (glossed over methanol, vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile for now)
- Reduced to 3 custom workshops (under furnaces menu btw)
- Electrolysis and Catalyst chambers now produce all plastic as flakes which get fixed up at the Extrusion Chamber
- Reduced need to use empty barrels in reactions (by refilling same barrel that had the reagent in it)
- related tasks now always happen in the same workshop, allowing full automation of all plastic production (assuming you don't run out of beer to process)
- no longer need to build all workshops, can choose between expensive/slow Catalyst (PVC/Kevlar) and fast/cheap Eletrolysis (PolyPropylene, Acrylic, Carbon Fiber).
- Trimmed to 4 relevant skills - brewer, strand, alchemist, lye maker

0.2 :

- Added 5 custom workshops (not decorated yet), using 5 skills (Brewer, Lye Maker, Potash Maker, Alchemist, Strand Extractor).
- Modded production process so that output ratios are tweakable, and have been tweak down by a factor of about 5.
- Made PVC leather dyeable.
- Added Acrylic yarn for synthetic woolly jumpers.
- Made most chemicals now buyable at embark, including Kevlar bars, armour and crossbows. Dwarves now embark wearing acryllic, carbon fiber and kevlar fiber clothes.


- Basic Chemical Pathways
- Synthetic Logs, Leather, Thread, and bars
- polypropylene, PVC, acryllic, carbon fiber and kevlar production processes

add the files into you raws, copy text from "entity_additions.txt" into any race you wish to get the new reactions.

Booze is the main production input needed. Needed non-booze chemicals currently can be produced for free.


Workshop decoration, sources for ammonia (plant waste disposal)

New industries :)
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 DF Synthetics (Chemistry Set) 0.31 (v 0.31)  » posted by Jake on Jun 09, 2012, 06:51:20 pm
I have a vague, half-formed idea for a mod involving elements of this mod, Dwarven Higher Learning and my own Black Powder Firearms. Would you be interested in collaborating?

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