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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Bugged Saves » Child is stuck on "Pickup equipment", won't move
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File Listing: Child is stuck on "Pickup equipment", won't move
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2014, 09:09:15 pm
File version: Unspecified
For DF version: 0.40.04
Downloads: 21 Size: 11.68 MB
Views: 539 Type: BZ2
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
For bug #6842.

Upon reaching her first birthday, Limul Searchedshoots discovered her nakedness and assigned herself a "Pickup equipment" job -- but never moved from the spot where her mother was carrying her at the moment she stopped being a baby.

Limul is standing in the barracks (hotkey F4, or you can use the unit screen). The job is visible on the job screen, and you can see that she's got her eye (metaphorically) on a (giant cave spider silk left glove). There are three such gloves -- one owned and worn by a miner, and two sitting around. By forbidding one, SIGKILLing the process, restoring from the save, and forbidding the other, I can see that the one she wants is on the up/down stairwell at Z=122 (-27 from the surface), and not the one in the smelter at Z=121 (-28 from the surface).

Neither of these gloves shows her (or anyone) as the owner. Forbidding the glove that she wants causes the glove to be removed from the job screen, but does not cause her to cancel the job, or to seek a different item. The job itself cannot be removed (the r is greyed out). Saving and loading does nothing. I haven't tried atom-smashing the glove yet, but if forbidding it doesn't work, I'm dubious that atom-smashing it would be wise.

To the best of my knowledge, there was never any disruption of her path from the barracks to the glove. I haven't been doing any construction work or digging anywhere near that path.
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SHA-256: 10afdfce212ed80e9d08b1782e4063a20a84a021823991bd6513a06adc3fdcf7
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 Child is stuck on "Pickup equi (v )  » posted by SomeoneSneaky on Oct 31, 2014, 09:54:33 pm
I've encountered this problem as well. There is nothing stopping the child from picking up the sock he wants, but he's simply standing in one place with the 'Pickup Equipment' task, naked, and slowly dying of thirst.

Forbidding the sock he wanted didn't cancel the task, but it did remove it from the details on the [j]ob screen. The area where he's standing had already been set to get flooded to make a mud plain to grow moss and underground trees, so we'll see if the rising water wakes him up.

ETA: It did! The moment the water touched his feet, he snapped out of his daze and ran off to get a drink. An unconventional fix, maybe, but at least it worked -- no idea what I would have done had he frozen in another room.
comment last edited by SomeoneSneaky on Oct 31, 2014, 09:57:07 pm

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