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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Utilities » DFLang
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File Listing: DFLang
Last Updated: Jul 12, 2010, 10:27:22 pm
First Created: Jan 03, 2010, 09:07:14 am
File version: 1.8
For DF version: Multiple
Downloads: 1,250 (1,522) Size: 3.65 MB
Views: 3,338 (3,881) Type: RAR
Home:  Forum Thread
Rating (2 votes): 5.0 / 5.0
DFLang is a tool for creating unique modded languages.

It takes a collection of words from one or more existing languages and randomly generates a number of additional words that sound like they could belong to that language. It takes these generated words and uses them to construct a well-formatted raw file of the language_###.txt variety.

(For instance, if you give DFLang a bunch of hebrew words, it might generate words like "oshebah" and "anayyim"; if you give it some chinese words you'll get things like "yinxiu" and "conguan"; if you give it both you might get "nefenguo" or "baochol".)

But wait, there's more! You know how in DF most words are associated with symbols like FLOWERY or UNTOWARD? DFLang gives you the option of generating a root for each of these symbols. Words associated with a symbol will be very likely to include the corresponding root.

(For instance, if the root for FLOWERY is ''fol", then BERRY might be assigned the word "efolab" and BLOSSOM might get "desafolu".)

To install, just extract DFLang.rar into your Dwarf Fortress directory (or wherever else you like). If you don't like .rars, a zip version can be found here.

If you're on a Windows machine, you can run DFLang with the DFLangWin.exe file, which provides a nice GUI. Everything you need will be supplied to you; just start the program, browse for one or more language files (use CTRL+click to select multiple files), and hit Generate Language! The new raw file will be in the same folder as your words file (probably the DFLang folder).

If you're on Linux or a Mac, you'll have to go to the DFLang Folder and use the command "python DFLang [options] langfile1 [langfile2...]". Use the --help option for more details. Oh, and you'll need Python installed on your computer; you may also have to add the DFLang folder to your PATH variable.

As well as the program itself, I've supplied a few language files in DFLang/languages. These include a few real-world languages, and also the standard languages already existing in DF.

Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: e98f637974ed4974b1a4bc9740f4f864703011679e8083c0cfb478a931f3a15e
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