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File Listing: Cavebrands
Last Updated: Apr 03, 2010, 06:29:33 pm
File version: Spring, 590
For DF version: 0.31.01
Downloads: 50 Size: 12.74 MB
Views: 362 Type: ZIP
Home:  Official Thread
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Cavebrands: An Exercise in Ignorance

Well, here it is. The fort based around the twin ideals of "Losing is Fun" and "Knowledge is Power"...

Overall layout is a bit... Well, I've seen better, but I've also seen worse. However, due to all the gems and metals in the walls, I think the long-term goal should eventually be to mine out most of the damn thing and then just wall it back in. Sure, you can't engrave a constructed wall, but does anyone actually like 100% engraved forts? Euuckh...

We've got malachite and cassiterite up the yin-yang, plus a moderate amount of marble, and a very respectable amount of silver and lead, for all that's good for.

Oh, yeah... You may see that the military (those three dudes standing around aimlessly) is equipped with wooden short swords... Apparently, rock short swords can now be made out of many different ores, such as silver and copper. However, the process just eats up the ore and spits out a completely wooden sword instead. Bastards.

I haven't run into any serious pathing errors, but please be careful when removing workshops! I'd hate to see this fort go tits-up because of some stupid void tiles clogging up the place...

I've added notes for most of the areas, and what I intended for them to be. However, I also missed a couple points.

First of all, I have refrained from digging into the area directly beneath the entry hall, as the intention was to have some sort of moat set up there, and I didn't want that to be cutting into something important underneath. Secondly, the rhino-lizard trash compacter is outside, and is kind of difficulty to spot. Just look for a schist lever and you should see the raised drawbridge.

Of interesting note is that when the drawbridge is lowered, the tip takes on a reddish color due to the blood which is covering the ground there. Slightly odd behaviour.

I can't tell you how many pages upon pages of vermin remains I've crushed with that thing...
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