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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Geologic Golems and Colossi
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File Listing: Geologic Golems and Colossi
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2010, 06:27:32 pm
File version: 1.1
For DF version: 0.31.08
Downloads: 75 Size: 7.2 KB
Views: 375 Type: ZIP
Home:  Forum Thread
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Golems are animated humanoid masses of inanimate stuff. They are rarely seen, which is perhaps their most redeeming quality. What powers them is a mystery, as remains whatever created them, but they stalk the deepest underground caverns, mindlessly attacking whatever gets in their way until, one way or another, there is nothing left to attack. Knowing no pain or fear, they are stopping by nothing short of being cloven asunder. However, they are mortal.

The creature has 94 castes in total -- 65 rock/mineral types, 17 metal types, and 12 gem types. Most basic earth materials in the game were covered -- I purposefully left out "loamy sand" and all that, and I skimped on the gemstones solely because I didn't want to run into a dozen variations of "x agate golem." Also, I left out Orpiment because it refused to cooperate. Golems roam around the third level of the underground, while colossi are megabeasts and act like them.

The colossi are made of only metal and the gemstones, making 29 variants of colossi. You can add them to the raw files directly or overwrite the original bronze colossus (a bronze caste is included). If you want rocky colossi in your game, you can copy and paste the castes from the golem as well, but you'll need to add the item quality modifiers at the bottom of each caste if you want their statues to be masterworks.

Installing: Extract the .zip file to your Dwarf Fortress folder.
Uninstalling: Delete the creature_colossus and creature_golem .txt files from the raw/objects folder.
Installing this mod makes no changes to original files or pre-existing saved games.

Have Fun!
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 3b990d78e7258e32d97b5ee3088de3dfdbd33cdb3ead89d51f16c259eff1fbbb
IP: logged
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