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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » A Little Bit More Mod
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File Listing: A Little Bit More Mod
Last Updated: Nov 20, 2012, 05:21:25 pm
First Created: Feb 26, 2011, 04:40:25 pm
File version: spinach
For DF version: 0.34.11
Downloads: 104 (271) Size: 10.19 MB
Views: 560 (1,267) Type: RAR
Rating (0 votes): Unrated

Version Spinach
Just a small update with only a couple new plants. Mostly bugfixes. A few plants weren't giving seeds appropriately, several typos, and some mis-colors and incorrect ASCII characters assigned.

Version Rutabega

LONG time no update. Due to a lack of interest for a while, I just kept working on things silently. Things are a lot more balanced and there are less bugs, and there's a WHOLE LOT of new content, namely in the food and farmable categories.

So, i've named this 'version Rutabega' in honor of the next plant i'll add after this update. Makes sense, right? No? Well, that's fine.

Brief list of updates:
Mogun (a mole-people race)
Llamelar armor
Spaulders, bracers, dunands, claws, katars, and more!
New Plants such as chocolate, coffee, jalapeno and ghost peppers, black pepper, asparagus, cabbage, lettuces, carrots, pineapples, pomegranates, tomatos, potatos, rice, and much, much more!
A (partial) new language for the mogun!
New creatures!
And lots more I can't even remember right now!

Sloppy, sloppy... but !!fun!! Just how dwarves like it.


Intended for 34.11

version 1.4e
Added a new megabeast for even more !!FUN!!

Still stumped on Heavenly Steel.

version 1.4d
Added a new subterranean creature to have !!FUN!! with.

Still working on making merchants not bring Heavenly Steel. x.x

version 1.4b
Edited and changed some minor differences to allow for 34.02 compatability.

Fixed a typo of a missing ] in heavenly steel.

version 1.4a
Changed the currency setup for civilizations with currency to add a wider variety of coins. This will give storekeepers more money and make inventory management in Adventure Mode significantly less annoying.

Fixed a bug with Heavenly Steel not being produceable under some circumstances. A bug remains where it will be imported by migrants and possibly caravans.

Fixed several spelling mistakes.

Added a bit more detail on installation, and warnings to files that could cause dupe entries if not careful to make it a bit more user friendly.

Included a 'dummydrop' with all relevent files pre-patched with the mod, but no others. This is for easiest install.

Updated to ensure functionality with df.31.25.
version 1.3a
Altered the values of some minerals that are commonly used as semi-precious gems. Malachite (5), Azurite (6), Jet (5), Petrified Wood (4), Orpiment (3), Olivine (3), Serpentine (4), and Orthoclase (4).

Added Azurite, a blue stone commonly mistaken as Lapis Lazuli, and is used for dyes and as a main ore of copper in real life. Produces 'Mountain Blue Glaze' when used as such.

Made Hematite yield 25% more iron, since it's the primary ore of iron in real life.

Bug fixes:
Reduced output from Anthracite Coal, it was a bit excessive due to a typo.

version 1.2a
Added Laterite. A somewhat useful ore of iron, nickel, and aluminum, in small amounts. You won't always get anything!

Added cobalt glazes. Now you can have pottery in gorgeous cobalt blue!

Added cinnibar as a glaze. Now that brilliant silvery glaze is yours!

Added Heavenly Steel. One of the rarest and most sought after alloys possible. But can it match adamantine? Not really, but it sure beats steel! It's production is rather difficult, though, and of course requires adamantine for said production. Only viable if you want to stretch out your adamantine at the penalty of it not being as good.

Bug fix: Minor grammatical fixes.

version 1.1a
Added Cobalt smeltability. Now you have a pretty deep blue metal to make stuff with!

Added Cobalt-Steel alloy 'Layered Steel' (known as Damascus Steel IRL). It's a bit heavier and sharper than steel, but not quite as good for armor. Producing it is definitely a tactical decision, as it requirs 1 steel, 1 cobalt, 1 flux, and 1 coal, and produces 2 layered steel.

Bug fix: Added the necessary entries to entity_default.txt for antracite coal and layered steel, just copy and paste those to the permitted entries for any races you want to have them.
version 1.0b
Bug fix: Making coke from anthracite was still called 'bituminous'.

version 1.0a (Initial Release)

Added siderite and geothite, commonly occuring but rare instances of natural iron ore common where hematite, limonite, and magnetite are not.

Added anthracite coal, a higher-yield coal than bituminous that occurs in smaller amounts in metamorphic layers.

Damascan Steel
Stainless Steel
Metal Dyes
Stained Glasses
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 2dbc34648fed2ddf3f7f3f5f349860bdbb8955084bddd0aa82e4ef0e26e3e2f4
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