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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Minor Mods » Witch Hunter* - An Adventure Mode Minor Mod
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File Listing: Witch Hunter* - An Adventure Mode Minor Mod
Last Updated: Jun 01, 2012, 08:40:05 pm
File version: 0.01
For DF version: 0.34.09
Downloads: 100 Size: 62.3 KB
Views: 998 Type: ZIP
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Witch Hunter, an Adventure Mode Mod*

(*contains no witches or witch-hunters)

So far, just a lot of tweaks to make adventure mode more interesting. Just copy the files you want into the raw/objects folder. Anything without a ! shouldn't conflict with much, unless there's another mod where everything ends in _WH. This works well with Fear the Night! and Wanderer's Friend (minus reaction_wh_crafting.txt). I'm heavily indebted to both of those mods for examples of raw objects, showing me how stuff works, and general cleverness.

Feel free to modify or appropriate anything here. Suggestions, bug reports, or improvements are very welcome.

Eventually, I want witch-hunters to be a counterweight to night creatures. They'll be not a single creature or interaction, but normal adventurers with a collection of minor bonuses and abilities (often with their own drawbacks) acquired from fighting various night creatures and more based on cleverness than power. There are currently 2 such bonuses in the files below.


What the files do:
(! means that it conflicts with a vanilla file)
(additional notes in the raws)

body_wh.txt - Adds a few new body parts. Needed by a bogeyman and observers.

creature_bogey.txt - Adds seven new bogeymen. BOGEYMEN MUST BE SET TO AT LEAST 1 DURING WORLDGEN OR THESE WILL NOT SHOW UP EITHER. Generally less natural skills in exchange for more interesting abilities. Try lowering the numbers in the natural skill tokens to make them more easy. Fellstalkers are just short of a semi-megabeast in terms of difficulty, you may wish to delete them.

creature_observer.txt - Adds a nearly invulnerable, flying adamantine sphere creature with interesting interactions. Intended to be used for testing worlds in adv mode, or exploring the insides of volcanoes. Try the dispersal dream on a crowd for fun.

! creature_standard.txt - Very optional. Changes goblins to 'o's so you can tell soldiers apart from civilians more easily.

! creature_subterranean.txt - Removes boring/aquatic animal men species, changes the biome of others to land so that they do not show up in the underwater parts of sewers, and modifies antmen to be able to swim. Used by entity_default_wh.txt so they don't occur without civs in caverns.

! entity_default_wh.txt - The most changed file. I've changed the names of the entities, so it won't directly conflict with entity_default, but it will act funny. Store entity_default somewhere else while in use.


• Elves, dwarves and goblins now build cities. Dwarves build forts and tombs, goblins build forts.
• Every race is playable, underground animal people are indiv_controllable.
• Everyone gets knives for civilians and pouches. Wood, farming and metal use tweaked.
• Banditry turned up across the board.
• Tunnel world construction removed.
• Dwarves moved down from mountains to hills (for fast travel in dwarven towns).
• Humans and dwarves are more predisposed to death-gods, to increase the incidence of necromancer towers.
• Humans and goblins get haircuts now!
• Elves use bronze/bismuth bronze.
• Elves get additional weapons.
• Goblins, Kobolds and elves send out more adventurers in worldgen.
• Goblins' [LOCAL_BANDITRY] removed.
• Goblins use wood. Still no farming.
• Kobolds get armor.
• Removed aquatic underground animal people.
• Stuff I've forgotten.

entity_observers.txt - Adds the observer creature as an indiv_controllable creature.

entity_sanimalmen.txt - Adds a civ that uses the new surface animal men. Intended to add some flavor to them and fill the ambushing hole left by removing [LOCAL_BANDITRY] from goblins. I tried for a variety of sizes and special abilities. Sort of a cross between kobolds and cavern animal people. Metal arms and armor. They live in caves and ambush adventurers. Max number of civs is at 4 so they don't take up too much of the global population cap (civ-level caps are currently not respected). Skulking so they don't get involved in worldgen wars, etc. No idea how the act in fort mode. !•It will sometimes rain blood from these creatures in evil regions when the number of evil rain types is set to 0 in worldgen.•!

inorganic_wh.txt - Adds some new materials. Sort of chaotic. Needed by observers' interactions and pearl reactions.

interaction_disturbance_wh.txt - SET DISTURBANCE INTERACTION TYPES TO 0 IN WORLDGEN FOR THIS TO HAVE FULL EFFECT. Adds a mummy almost identical to vanilla mummies but with more cursing options, all of which end.

interaction_wh.txt - Some interactions. Used by bogeymen and observers.

material_template_wh.txt - Adds a few material templates. Used by bogeymen.

plant_wh.txt - Adds a few new above-ground dye-making plants, so your adventurer can wear a wider selection of colored cloaks.

reaction_wh_crafting.txt - Some basic reactions for adventure mode crafting. Mostly just a stripped down and simplified version of wanderer's friend. Adds pearls (normal and black), reactions to get them from oysters and mussels, and gemcrafting reactions to make things or decorate things with them. A more fun way to train swimming. You've got to 'L'ook for oysters/mussels.

tissue_template_wh.txt - Adds a few new tissues, used by bogeymen.

A worldgen setting that works well with WH, and a few (semi)optimized macros that I've found useful.

Hit the default adv macro on a human demigod as soon as the attributes/skills screen comes up. Swordsman.

'Tell me about this area' is just 'enter' a whole bunch. Use it with control-u / key repeat command to rapidly quiz a villager, or get every quest available quickly.

Headshot tries an aimed melee (A)ttack on target (a)'s (c) bodypart with attack option (a).

Wait ten does what it says it does.......... This is the most useful macro ever. Another candidate for control-u.
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