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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Tilesets » Curses of Balin -- Tilesets/graphics set pack
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File Listing: Curses of Balin -- Tilesets/graphics set pack
Last Updated: Nov 22, 2022, 09:32:34 am
File version: v9.8.9K.i
For DF version: 0.47.05
Downloads: 561 Size: 2.12 MB
Views: 2,394 Type: ZIP
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This is the latest "Curses of Balin" tileset/graphics pack. :-o
This pack contains my tilesets and graphic sets for dwarves, elves, kobolds, humans and adventurers (for who wants to play Adventure Mode).
This pack also contains old versions of CoB and my custom ASCII-only tilesets.
The archive contains instructions to correctly set the tilesets/graphics (the same instructions are below) and a short description of his contents. Have fun :)

@ Hello fellow dwarf :) @

This 'txt' file is just for a few instructions, avoiding mistakes and problems to start the game.

I use BMP image files for old versions of linux, so probably all will be fine.



0 - I recomend create or download a fresh copy of Dwarf Fortress, all clean.

1 - Delete the /raw folder. Do not delet your /data folder.

2 - Drop the 'Curses of Balin' folders in your Dwarf Fortress gamefolder and override the asked files.

3 - If you want to use your current savegame, just enter on your savegame folder, delete the current 'raw' inside of it, and copy the Curses of Balin 'raw' into it.

3.1 - Before you try to update your savegame to CoB tilesets, do a copy for safety. I already tested some savegames generated using other graphic sets and their owners/creators has change things on the raw folders that i do not have knowledge yet, what can impede the game to start and maybe mess your savegame.

* I've decide to maintain the old art files, so you can compare and choose to use the old ones if you want.

* inside the /data/art folder has my ASCII font, for who want to play with TWBT.

* inside the /data/init has my d_init.txt custom file with the fort limited to 30-40 dwarfs in 'strict_population_cap' and a custom world_gen.txt with an extra 'chaos small island' what goes to 4050 years old - a kind of MadMax world, with almost no populated cities or forts, and the number of beasts highly increased. I also included the 'defaults' files, what can be easily restored by renaming and overwriting if you do not like of my custom files.

That's it :)
Have a good game, and send-me some feedback any time :)

x x x X X X x x x

# Step by step, how to change to any tileset (tileset only) #

00 - go to folder in DF gamefolder \data\art and put in it the file of tileset what you desire to use.

01 - go to folder in DF gamefolder \data\init and open the init.txt file.

02 - In the text file, go to the lines called FONT, FULLFONT, GRAPHICS FONT and GRAPHICS FULLFONT.

03 - In these lines, change the names after " : " to the name of PNG or BMP file what you desire to use - including the extension ".PNG" or ".BMP" if is it.

04 - This is it! It's done! :) ... i guess...

05 - I advise to NOT use my tileset mixed with another one what have some changes in the "raw txt's", if you don't know how to avoid the erroneous placed tiles, caused by the mix. This can be ugly.

x x x X X X x x x
Raw Data: JSON / Text
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SHA-256: 9bd6d0ed1ba1ff97355d066646958a540ec694a093a0c960e83d99ef2a76a117
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