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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Tilesets » Dwarf State of Mind [10x10]
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File Listing: Dwarf State of Mind [10x10]
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2015, 12:05:04 pm
First Created: Aug 06, 2014, 03:57:09 pm
File version: 0.15
For DF version: 0.42.03
Downloads: 226 (262) Size: 23 KB
Views: 1,394 (1,577) Type: GZ
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Long, long ago I became interested in creating (and releasing) a tile/graphic set of some kind. this idea passed through several incarnations, starting with more graphics heavy sets, and eventually becoming more and more minimalist as my taste changed and I started playing with ASCII more. Originally I had been working in 16x16 and later in 12x12, but once I switched to playing with ASCII I found myself in love with 10x10. Something about this size offered the right amount of resolution to my eyes; big enough to get some detail, small enough to be nice and simple (and "retro"). After trying the 10x10 tilesets currently available I noticed that all of the ones I found seemed to be based on a fairly "purist" mindset. Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a pure ASCII experience. I play lots of games that are pure ASCII anyway, so it's not foreign to me by any means. Still though, I found myself eventually pining for certain conveniences and decorative qualities of graphic sets. So I decided to make this tileset as a compromise by compiling parts of various 10x10 tilesets that I liked as well as hand drawing things that I couldn't find anything satisfactory for to create something simple, but enjoyable to look at (including a little Tile Magic on the floors and walls) without sacrificing the simplicity and elegance of the ASCII aesthetic as much as possible. The result, which I am proud to present, is Dwarf State of Mind.

This tileset wouldn't be possible (or at least would have been a lot more work) without the work of others. Taffer's Tileset was the main inspiration for/jumping off point for this set, and most of the tiles came from his set. Other sets I've used/modified parts of are: Vherid's "Ra" tileset, Tocky's Tileset, Anikki's Tileset, and MLC (I believe just the flask). Vherid also created the Mishka colorscheme, which is my recommended scheme for this set. Thanks also to Ironhand for answering some dumb questions I had about Tile Magic a long time ago, back when I started this crazy pipe dream. And a finally shouts out to Jolly Bastion and Grim Fortress, both of which were used as inspiration at times.

For preview images and more info, check the Dwarf Fortress Forum.

EDIT: The first version of this download was NOT COMPLETE or easy to install, I'm very sorry about this. Please download again.
This set is still a work in progress and will likely continue to evolve. Feedback is appreciated and will help with the evolution process.

Download includes the tiles, a heavily modified d_init file, the "Mishka" colorscheme (by Vherid), and optional graphics raws for dwarves, humans, goblins, and elves.
Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 96559811ec147c8a982e3d3a48dc56cc9280eafdc251c1681ca50afa3ae3c86b
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