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 Dwarf Fortress File Depot » Pregenerated Worlds » DF Succession World worldgen Prototype.
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File Listing: DF Succession World worldgen Prototype.
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2012, 08:09:37 pm
First Created: Jan 10, 2012, 04:10:09 pm
File version: 12
For DF version: 0.31.25
Downloads: 54 (121) Size: 4.73 MB
Views: 475 (856) Type: RAR
Home:  The Initial Thread
Rating (0 votes): Unrated
Prototype ~30. Ready for major testing.

8th Upload

World seeds only. Generate them if you insist.

7th Upload

-Now using 34.02!
-Small world.
-More races available for adventure mode play.

6th Upload - prototype ~30

- Elves don't get 20k wood in under 30 seconds anymore.
- Goblin aversion to bringing or purchasing animals like trolls taken care of.
- most two-handed weaponry available to creatures 59k and up, including goblins
- changes to temperature variance to prevent tundras halfway up the map.
- parts of northern ocean's coastline now neutral on savagery scale
- northern ocean is a good biome, southern is evil. Much fun for all!
- 500 year worldgen. So many elves!

5th Upload - prototype ~20

- Civilizations are almost compeltely set up for fortress-mode play.
- Seed generates a very long river, and higher than average mountain valleys.

4th upload - prototype ~10

- Using vanilla raw files with community-desired mods now. This is what needs tested, mostly.
- landscape and biomes mostly finalized

3rd upload - prototype 5

-adjusted volcanism again for even more sedimentary layers.
-added savagery map to force the ocean and some deserts to be extremely savage.
-minor landscape adjustments

2nd upload - prototype 4

-Temperature issues have been mostly rectified. The farthest-north tundra is still technically in the lower half of the map.
-Volcanism now uses a weighted mesh, with heaviest emphasis on 0-20, 40-60, and 80-100. Hopefully this permits enough variation in stone types in a given area.
-The mineral scarcity poll slowed to a crawl, so it has been concluded. 750 recieved the largest number of votes (5) so that's what was used for this prototype, although 900-1000 might be the final decision to average it out. (average is actually 1562.5, but that's all loud whispers' fault for calling the only vote for 5000.)
-Drainage was adjusted to permit slightly more high-drainage sites.
-Cavern layers were set up from overall opinion
-other stuff I forgot

first upload - prototype 3

Raw Data: JSON / Text
Checksum / Hash
SHA-256: 6d847de465aee82d6eb49c1aaa75035910e60cf0410ec0d2a70cd78836fb53c6
IP: logged
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